1.) Puppet doll piece
The first group showed us a peice worked from a sculpture they had seen at the TATE of a women. They were showing how the male actor was ruling over them by manipulating the women using strings. This to me seemed like a modern interpretation of the piece of art- male dominance. The sculpture was made in the 1900's so they have decided to play on the idea of women being objectified and having a lack of freedom in society at the time.
The artists rational was to show a women entrapment with subtle sinister undertones.
I would suggest that from this information that they create a piece that is subtle with the discrimination as this is what the artist wanted to do. Or another thing which i believe would enhance their performance would be to play with levels, for example having the male actor raised above the females with the females kneeled or sat down would further magnify the power of the male and powerlessness of the female. In addition i would suggest looking at the sculpture itself and its texture, materials etc to add into the piece.
2.) Support Physical piece
This group used a raised square like shape sculpture made from rocks and thread. This group physically interpreted their sculpture by pressing weight, lifting and climbing on one another, this was effective because in the sculpture you didn't quite understand how the piece was staying up or which rock was holding the other but it fitted together perfectly. Because the sculpture fundamentally relied on the specific placement of the rocks in order for it stay standing, i think Sky and George could be really specific, light and gentle with their movements, almost like if they are to heavy footed then the rocks will fall.
In addition to this i also made the suggestion of audibly representing the sculpture, so using the rocks as a symbol of purity and nature that could then be used as nature sounds.
Our piece
We mainly had positive feedback from the class which indicate that we were successful in our devising process. Some of the feedback consisted of:
2.) Support Physical piece
This group used a raised square like shape sculpture made from rocks and thread. This group physically interpreted their sculpture by pressing weight, lifting and climbing on one another, this was effective because in the sculpture you didn't quite understand how the piece was staying up or which rock was holding the other but it fitted together perfectly. Because the sculpture fundamentally relied on the specific placement of the rocks in order for it stay standing, i think Sky and George could be really specific, light and gentle with their movements, almost like if they are to heavy footed then the rocks will fall.
In addition to this i also made the suggestion of audibly representing the sculpture, so using the rocks as a symbol of purity and nature that could then be used as nature sounds.
Our piece
We mainly had positive feedback from the class which indicate that we were successful in our devising process. Some of the feedback consisted of:
- The use of a very blank and distant expression was successful and powerful as it showed a detached and un human like state, just like how we as a group view canabalism and the idea that another person could be willing to eat another human being.
- The three main focus point for the three of us made a good un-natrualist eery atmosphere which set the tone of the piece from the outset.
- The three different levels we used allowed us to make full use of the table and the space and showed a journey, starting from a raised level and being sat down to being on the ground.
From this feedback we have discussed pushing these three main strong points of our piece even further, so always referring back to the focal points, using a clear range in levels and further create a blank and vacant face.
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